Courses & Training Programs

Course Training Program

Astro Club

Astro for kids, a real fun to learn Planets, Earth, Sun, Moon, Galaxies, etc in a fun way. Let your child learn a complex system in a fun way.

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Course Training Program

Robo and Coding Club

Today's kids are more attracted towards tech and gadget. Exploring all new courses and technology will let them explore more about them.

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Course Training Program

Personality Development

Speaking on stage or public forum is not an easy task. Most kids are shy and this remain life long. They hesitate to speak although they have knowledge.

Remove this fear by all new Personality Development courses and be leaders of tomorrow. Join all new courses made by industry experts.

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Course Training Program

Teacher Training and Curriculum Development

Curriculum is the way to achieve desired goal in student overall holistic growth. The way it is delivered is Teacher Training. As NEP2020 is on the way to change the schooling system of India, schools have to make them ready for future teaching and learning methods.

We have industry experts who design these teaching and developing modules. Be ready to gear up for NEP2020.

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